Fina Mauri-Ferre

Dra. Fina Mauri Ferré
Cardiologist. Cathlab Director.
University degree
1982 Medicina, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Spain
1992 Medicina, Universitat de Barcelona. Spain
1987.- Hospital Universitari Bellvitge, L´Hospitalet de Llobregat. Spain
Interventional Cardiology.
Professional Highlights
2003-2005. President of Spanish Working Group on IVUS ( Spanish Society of Cardiology)
2006- 2009. President of Spanish Working Group on PCI (Spanish Society of Cardiology)
Thrombosis of Second-Generation Drug-Eluting Stents in Real Practice: Results From the Multicenter Spanish Registry ESTROFA-2 (Estudio Español Sobre Trombosis de Stents Farmacoactivos de Segunda Generacion-2) José M. de la Torre Hernández, Fernando Alfonso, Federico Gimeno, Jose A. Diarte, Ramón Lopez-Palop, Armando Pérez de Prado, Fernando Rivero, Juan Sanchis, Mariano Larman, Jose F. Diaz, Jaime Elizaga, Javier Martín Moreiras, Alfredo Gomez Jaume, José M. Hernández, Josepa Mauri, Angel Sánchez Recalde, Juan A. Bullones, Jose R. Rumoroso, Bruno García del Blanco, Jose A. Baz, Francisco Bosa,Javier Botas, Felipe Hernández, and ESTROFA-2 Study Group J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. Intv. 2010;3;911-919
The EXTREME Registry: Titanium-Nitride-Oxide Coated Stents in Small Coronary Arteries Rau ́ l Valdesuso,1 MD, Pasi Karjalainen,2 MD, Joan Garcı ́a,3 MD, Jose ́ Dı ́az,4 MD, Javier Ferna ́ ndez Portales,5 MD, Mo ́ nica Masotti,6 MD, Francisco Pico ́ ,7 MD, Antonio Serra,8 MD, Jose ́ Moreu Burgos,9 MD, Luis Insa,10 MD, Fina Mauri,11 MD, Javier Rodriguez Collado,12 MD, and Wail Nammas, Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 76:281–287 (2010)
SCAI consensus document on occupational radiation exposure to the pregnant cardiologist and technical personnel.Best PJ, Skelding KA, Mehran R, Chieffo A, Kunadian V, Madan M, Mikhail GW, Mauri F, Takahashi S, Honye J,Hernández-Antolín R, Weiner BH; Con behalf of the Women in Innovations (WIN) group of the Society of Cardiac Angiography Intervention.Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2010 Nov 8
A randomised comparison between everolimus-eluting stent and sirolimus-eluting stent in chronic coronary total occlusions. Rationale and design of the CIBELES (non-acute Coronary occlusion treated by EveroLimus-Eluting Stent) trial. Moreno R, Garcia E, Teles RC, Almeida MS, Carvalho HC, Sabate M, Martin-Reyes R, Rumoroso JR, Galeote G, Goicolea FJ, Moreu J, Mainar V, Mauri J, Ferreira R, Valdes M, Perez de Prado A, Martin-Yuste V, Jimenez-Valero S, Sanchez-Recalde A, Calvo L, Lopez de Sa E, Macaya C, Lopez-Sendon JL. EuroIntervention. 2010 May;6(1):112-6. doi: 10.4244
Effect of rosiglitazone on progression of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease: the assessment on the prevention of progression by rosiglitazone on atherosclerosis in diabetes patients with cardiovascular history trial. Gerstein HC, Ratner RE, Cannon CP, Serruys PW, García-García HM, van Es GA, Kolatkar NS, Kravitz BG, Miller DM, Huang C, Fitzgerald PJ, Nesto RW; APPROACH Study Group. Collaborators (851):.....Mauri F, ..... Circulation. 2010 Mar 16;121(10):1176-87.
Gender-based issues in interventional cardiology: a consensus statement from the Women in Innovations (WIN) initiative. Chieffo A, Hoye A, Mauri F, Mikhail GW, Ammerer M, Grines C, Grinfeld L, Madan M, Presbitero P, Skelding KA, Weiner BH, Mehran R; WIN Group. EuroIntervention. 2010 Feb;5(7):773-9.
Gender-based issues in interventional cardiology: a consensus statement from the Women in Innovations (WIN) Initiative. Chieffo A, Hoye A, Mauri F, Mikhail GW, Ammerer M, Grines C, Grinfeld L, Madan M, Presbitero P, Skelding KA, Weiner BH, Mehran R; WIN Group; Women in Innovations Initiative. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2010 Feb 1;75(2):145-52.
“Fusing in-vitro and in-vivo intravascular ultrasound data for plaque characterization”Francesco Ciompi, Oriol Pujol, Carlo Gatta, Oriol Rodríguez-Leor, Josepa Mauri-Ferre, Petia Radeva, , Int J Cardiovasc Imaging, DOI 10.1007/s10554-009-9543-1.
Fusing in-vitro and in-vivo intravascular ultrasound data for plaque characterization. F Ciompi, O Pujol, C Gatta, O Rofriguez-leor, J Mauri, Petia Radeva. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging:Vol 26 (7): 763-779
New tools for allergy diagnosis and clinical advice after immediate reactions to ICM. Garcia-Ortega P, Marin A, Quilez E, Rodriguez-Leor O.Br J Radiol. 2010 Jul;83(991):632-3.
Real-time gating of IVUS sequences based on motion blur analysis: method and quantitative validation.Gatta C, Balocco S, Ciompi F, Hemetsberger R, Rodriguez Leor O, Radeva P. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2010;13( 2):59-67.