Young Talent Programme
ICREC Research Lab project (at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute) for introducing young students into the research world, openning doors to those who have scientific curiosity.
Pre-gradute students:
The first area of the Youg Talent Programme is based in a collaboration agreement between Sant Miquel dels Sants de Vic School and the ICREC Research Lab for introducing young secondary students into biomedicine research (in particular, in two different areas: heart failure and cardiac regeneration). This experience may allow them to know how to plan and carry out a research project.

High school pupils research works
High school pupils research works, Sant Miquel dels Sants School (Vic)
More informationGraduate students:
ICREC Research Lab also admits a graduate student of the area of bio-sciences as an intern each summer in the laboratory.
For pre-graduate students, the objective of the programme is that the student learns to design a project, and be able to understand and explain its results. Graduate students should end these stays being familiar with routine techniques of a cellular culture and molecular biology laboratory. The student makes the most of the internship by getting better at techniques that may have know during his graduate studies and learns new ones, acquiring habilities that will be very useful for directing his career as a resercher. At the ICREC Research Lab, the student gets experience on histology, cellular culture, and sample processing techniques, under the supervision of a tutor.
Postgraduate students:
The Young Talent Programme also covers the last phase prior to the start of a research career, which is Master Studies. For the first time, a master student (Master in Traslational Medicine binded to Doctorate Studies of the Universitat de Barcelona) is doing his thesis at the ICREC Research Lab. This research work provides 24 academic credits and may be the basis for a future PhD. For doing so, the student has an ICREC research tutor and there is an agreement between the University and the ICREC Research lab.

Master student with her tutor.