Maria Luisa Cámara

Marisa Cámara
Cardiac surgeon, Head of area
Cardiac surgery
Academic training
• Degree in Medicine and Surgery. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1979.
• PhD in Medicina. Departament of Surgery. Cum Laude: "Hemodynamic effects of prostaglandin E1 on post-surgery of mitral stenosis surgery. Comparison with other vasodilators"
• European Board of Thoracic and Crdiovascular Surgery (specialty of Cardiovascular Surgery)
• Master's Degree in Health Institutions Management. Ed. XVII. Càtedra de Gestió i Administració Sànitaries UAB, 2017.
Research stays / fellowship / Professional career
• Intership. Cardiac surgery department. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, 1979-1985.
• Area specialist. Cardiac surgery department. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, 1985-1988.
• Area specialist. Cardiac surgery department. Hospital de Bellvitge, 1988-1989.
• Area specialist. Cardiac surgery department. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, 1989-2000.
• Head of area, Cardiac surgery department. Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, 2000-current situation.
Areas of interest
• Aortic valve disease
• Ischemic heart disease
• Pathology of the aorta
• Cardiac transplant
• Teaching
• Research
- Cristobal Richart; et al. 2016. Adipo/cytokines in atherosclerotic secretomes: increased visfatin levels in unstable carotid plaque BMC Cardiovascular disorders. Open Access. 16-149.
- Teresa Tomasa Irriguible; et al. 2016. Early Diagnosis of Cardiac Surgery complications by Indocyanine green Non-inasively monitoring. International Journal of Anesthesiology Research. 4, pp.4-11.
- Antoni Bayes-Genis; Paloma Gastelurrutia; Maria-Luisa Camara. 2016. First-in-man Safety and Efficacy of the Adipose Graft Transposition Procedure (AGTP) in Patients With a Myocardial Scar EBioMedicine. 7, pp.548-254.
- Beatriz Toledado; Felipe Bisbal; Maria Luisa Camara. 2016. Incidence and predictors of new-onset atrioventricular block requiring pacemaker implantation after sutureless aortic valve replacement Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. 23, pp.861-868.
- Sara Badia; Elisabet Berastegui; M Luisa camara. 2016. Perceval s and coronary artery bypass grafting, contradiction or full harmony? Cardi Open. 1-1, pp.3-3.
- Gemma Aragones; et al. 2016. Proteomic profile of unstable atheroma plaque: increased neutrophil defensin 1, clusterin and apolipoprotein E levels in carotid secretome J. Proteome Res.15-3, pp.933-944.
- Elisabet Berastegui; sara Badia; MLuisa Camara. 2016. creating a new and simply frailty score for predicting postoperative morbidity in cardiac surgery Cardio Open. 1-1, pp.114.
- Alba marigliano; et al. 2015. Sustitución valvular aórtica por bioprótesis sin sutura en pacientes de alto riesgo: Registro PAVAROTTI Rev Fed Arg Cardiol. 44-1, pp.38-44.
- Luis Delgado; et al. 2013. Reparación valvular de la insuficiencia mitral degenerativa. evolución clínica y ecocardiográfica según el grado de regurgitación residual intraoperatoria Cir cardiov. 20-1, pp.25-30.
- Andrea Colli; M Luisa Camata. 2011. First experience with a new negative pressure incision system on surgical incisions after cardiac surgery in high risk patients . J Cardiothoracic Surg. 6-1, pp.160.
- Pulmonary function following aortic valve replacement: a comparison between ministernotomy and median sternotomy. Alejandro Arís, María Luisa Cámara, Pere Casan, Hector Litvan Heart Valve Dis 1999; 8 nº 6, 605-608
- Ministernotomy versus median sternotomy for aortic valve replacement: a prospective, randomized study. Alejandro Arís, MD, Ph D, María Luisa Cámara, MD, Ph D, José Montiel, MD, Luis Javier Delgado, MD, Josefina Galán, MD, and Héctor Litvan, MD.Ann Thorac Surg 1999; 67:1583-8
- Pulmonary and systemic vascular effects of isoproterenol, nitroglycerin and prostaglandin E1 after cardiac operations in patients with pulmonary hypertension. J. Alvarez; ML Cámara; J. Cortiñas, J. Cortes y A. Arís. International Journal of Anaesthesia 1993, Abst, 70 Suppl 1: 14
*Hemodynamic effects of prostaglandin E1 and isoproterenol early after cardiac operations for mitral stenosis. María Luisa Cámara, MD, Alejandro Arís, MD, FACS, Julián Alvarez, MD, José M. Padró, MD, and José M. Caralps J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1992, 103 nº 6: 1177-1185 - Cardiac valve replacement with the monostrut (björk shiley) prosthesis: results at five year. Alejandro Arís MD, FCCP*, José M. Padró MD, María L. Cámara MD, and José M. Caralps MD. Chest 1989, 96 (Suppl): 115 S
- Clinical and hemodynamic results of cardiac valve replacement with the monostrut Bjork-Shiley prosthesis. Alejandro Arís, MD, José M. Padró, MD, Maria Luisa Cámara, MD, Carlos Creixells, MD, José M. Augé, MD, and José M. Caralps, MD. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 1988, 95 : 423-431.
- Long-term results of mitral valve surgery in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension. ML Cámara, A Arís, JM Padró and JM Caralps. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 1988, 45 : 133-136.