The future of the health and social well-being in our society needs of the incorporation of teleasistance or telemonitoring mechanisms, because due to the increase of patients with chronic conditions, otherwise it would be economically unsustainable.
Heart failure is un of the most frequent chronic disease in our society with a bad prognosis and it is huge burden for Health Care Systems. Only a patient close monitoring achieves a decrease in hospital admission and a better quality of life.
CARME study
The CARME study, CAtalan Remote Management Evaluation, has been a pioneering study in the development and implementation of telemedicine in cardiology in our country. Promoted by Philips Healthcare and the Catalan Health Institute (ICS), has shown an important benefit in the management of this pathology.
- Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, Urrutia A, Pera G, Verdú JM, Bayes-Genis A Evaluation of a telemedicine system for heart failure patients: Feasibility, acceptance rate, satisfaction and changes in patient behavior Results from the CARME (CAtalan Remote Management Evaluation) study. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2 2012 Dec;11(4):410-8.
- Domingo M, Lupón J, González B, Crespo E, López R, Ramos A, Urrutia A, Pera G, Verdú JM, Bayes-Genis A.Noninvasive remote telemonitoring for ambulatory patients with heart failure: effect on number of hospitalizations, days in hospital, and quality of life. CARME (CAtalan Remote Management Evaluation) study]. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2011 Apr;64:277-85.
HeartCyle is a European multicentre project fincanced within the 7th Frame Work Programme. A second generation patient telemonitoring system has been developed through the following-up of clinical variables, educational programmes and treatment adjustment without the patient leaving home.

The system has a weight scale and a blood preassure cuff conneceted to patient's television. System's software allows to receive wight and blood pressure data in the nurse/doctor interface. To sum up, several questionnaires are answered by the patient via its tv with a remote control, allowing to have a complete assessment of the patient health status.
The system also has an educational and coaching programme via messages and videos for the patient, allowing him to decide the aims and the deadline for achieving them.
It also has some algorithms to find the correct dose for the specific patient of several drugs for heart failure treatment.
Gastelurrutia P, Lupón J, Domingo M, Stut W, Dovancescu S, Cleland J, Frankenstein L, Bayes-Genis A on behalf of the HeartCycle Programme Investigators. Potential role for clinical calibration to increase engagement with and application of home telemonitoring: a report from the HeartCycle programme. ESC Heart Fail. 2017;4(1):66-70.